The Concertación Democrática Nicaragüense / Monteverde expresses its energetic repudiation of the constant and systematic violation of human rights perpetrated by the Ortega and Murillo dictatorship. The recent appeal of the United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, Nada Al-Nashif, highlights the critical situation we are living: repression and abuse of power are the hallmarks of the regime.
The Ortega-Murillo regime has deepened its control over the judiciary, using it as a tool to persecute and silence anyone who dares to speak out against its government. This perverse manipulation of the judicial system has led to the arbitrary detention of at least 131 Nicaraguans, including human rights defenders and civic leaders. Since March 2024, the repression has intensified with the arrest of 30 more people in the context of the crackdown on civic space.
Ortega and Murillo are directly responsible for these grave violations. Their regime has not only imprisoned citizens for their political convictions, but has also arbitrarily stripped Nicaraguans such as human rights defender Vilma Núñez, who faces constant surveillance and harassment, of their nationality. The situation of political prisoners such as Brooklyn Rivera and Jaime Navarrete is a testament to the climate of terror they have created.
This abuse of power is no mere coincidence; it is a deliberate strategy to maintain totalitarian control over the country and stifle any form of dissent. The denial of detainees’ right to communicate with their lawyers and family members is an isolation tactic designed to break their spirit and dehumanize them.
Despite this dark outlook, Concertación Democrática Nicaragüense / Monteverde firmly believes in the ability of the Nicaraguan people to resist and overcome this oppression. We urge the international community to not only condemn these atrocities, but to take decisive action to pressure the regime and support Nicaraguans in their struggle for freedom and justice.
The restoration of the rule of law and respect for human rights are not only demands, but urgent demands. The immediate release of all political prisoners and the restitution of nationality to those who have been arbitrarily deprived of it are essential steps towards the recovery of democracy in Nicaragua.