The dilemma for democratic countries in the region

The current situation in Venezuela brought to the table a dilemma that the countries of the continent have been facing for a long time. Given the growing repression and institutional deterioration that is advancing in the region with its consequences beyond a country’s border: to either continue issuing resolutions and promoting focused actions with little…

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The joint responsibility of the international community to impunity

Crimes against humanity result from non-compliance with international humanitarian law and human rights obligations. The perpetration of these crimes affects the coexistence of the international community, which is based on principles and values and sustained by norms that should govern the conduct of nations. The systemic and widespread violation of human rights impacts society and…

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Silk gloves diplomacy

Crimes against humanity including assassinations, imprisonment and torture, opposition population repressed by the military and paramilitary, coup narrative invented to justify repression, new anti-democratic laws to increase totalitarian control, judicial, legislative, and electoral systems without independence and at the service of the Executive, fraudulent elections, attacks and closure of independent media, confrontation with the Church,…

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The Contagion of the Ortega Model

The outright fraud that Nicolás Maduro is pushing forward with support from top military officials constitutes a true coup d’etat against the will of the people. It has led political analysts and the international media to compare it with the practices of the Ortega Murillo regime. Thomas Shannon, a prestigious American diplomat and expert on…

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The Ortega-Murillo dictatorship wants to silence the voice of the Church

During the last few days, the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo kidnapped and banished another seven priests, from the dioceses of Matagalpa and Estelí, headed by Bishop Rolando Álvarez, also banished and denationalized. With them, the number of priests banished in the last two years amounts to 46 and at least 200 more…

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How far will the dictatorship go against the churches in Nicaragua?

In recent days, Nicaragua has once again made international news due to a renewed wave of repression against religious freedom, expressed through the imprisonment and banishment of priests to the Vatican, and the legal cancellation of Catholic and evangelical associations. The world’s main news agencies and Catholic portals, including those of the Holy See, published…

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Collective Multisectoral Response to Confront the Challenges to Democracy

From the Nicaraguan Democratic Concertation, CDN-Monteverde, we have reaffirmed the political and legal commitments adopted by the member states of the Organization of American States (OAS) regarding democracy. We recognize the spirit embodied in the Constitutive Charter of the OAS, which «recognizes that representative democracy is indispensable for peace and development in the region», therefore,…

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Migrant smuggling disguised as tourism in Nicaragua

The Ortega-Murillo regime took advantage of the migration crisis to defy whom it considers its main enemy. It turned the desire of thousands of migrants to reach the American dream into a political weapon that has pushed the migratory crisis in the United States to the limit on its southern border. As a collateral benefit,…

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