CDN sends letter to the OAS Permanent Council

Your Excellencies Ambassadors to the Organization of American States, OAS.
Washington, D.C.
Distinguished Ambassadors.

The Nicaraguans who as a people have been deprived of their freedom and the enjoyment of their human rights, we are grateful that the Permanent Council of the OAS with the active participation of each one of you has approved the Resolution that will allow the follow-up of the situation in Nicaragua; even though the Ortega Murillo dictatorship through the denunciation of the OAS Charter has tried to dodge the scrutiny of the Democratic States of the Americas.

We are pleased that our regional organization, honoring its principles, based on the promotion of freedom, respect for fundamental rights and the effective exercise of representative democracy, as established in the Constitutive Charter and the Inter-American Democratic Charter, which in its article one, proclaims that the peoples of the Americas have the right to democracy, develops in the Resolution the essential elements of democracy, the enjoyment of which has been denied to Nicaraguans, currently subjected to cruel repression and systematic violation, proclaims that the peoples of the Americas have the right to democracy, develops in the Resolution the essential elements of the same, whose enjoyment has been denied to the Nicaraguans, currently subjected to a cruel repression and systemic violation of their human rights, as rightly pointed out in the introductory part of the Resolution that concerns us.

We appreciate the openness to continue broad communication with local actors and the formation of a voluntary group to assist the Permanent Council in its efforts to pay special attention to the profound crisis that Nicaragua is experiencing, as well as the call to the member states to make it possible for our country to act in the future in accordance with the Charter of the Organization of American States.

We place ourselves at the disposal of the group of volunteer countries and the Permanent Council to undertake actions that will allow the restoration of democracy and the rule of law with full respect for human rights, so that once these objectives have been achieved, Nicaragua can rejoin the Organization, which is made up of the democratic states of the continent and which the totalitarian regimes oppose and combat.

Thanking you for your attention to the present letter, we subscribe to you with the assurance of our consideration and appreciation.

Elíseo Núñez Morales
Executive Secretary
Nicaraguan Democratic Concertation – Monteverde

Mr. Secretary General OAS