Nicaragua under the Ortega-Murillo regime: a renegade state of international law

Nicaragua severed its relationship with the Organization of American States (OAS), denouncing its Constitutive Charter, to evade the fundamental political and diplomatic mechanisms for the defense of democracy and the promotion and maintenance of peaceful coexistence in the continent. With its withdrawal, Nicaragua intends to dissociate itself from the principles and values of the OAS…

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OAS calls for an end to impunity in Nicaragua

The Nicaraguan Democratic Concertation CDN-Monteverde celebrates the approval of the resolution of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), held in Asuncion Paraguay from June 26 to 28, in which 32 member countries unanimously called for the end of the repression and political persecution, and the release of all persons who are…

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The Political Side of Migrant Smuggling through Nicaragua

Behind the transit of thousands of irregular migrants that the Nicaraguan dictatorship has facilitated, there is an important economic element. However, this scheme also includes relevant political components that should be understood and highlighted. Before 2021, migrants took the route through some South American countries, from where they started their journey by land. They then…

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Human smuggling: the unscrupulous business of the dictatorship

The United Nations (UN) Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea, and Air defines human smuggling as «the enablement, for financial or another material gain, of the illegal entry of a person into a State.» The activity implies the existence of highly organized criminal groups that operate transnationally with large profits that violate…

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Nicaragua: A Very Current and High-priority Issue at the OAS

Contrary to what the Nicaraguan regime would like, after Nicaragua’s exit from the Organization of American States (OAS) on November 18, 2023, the country’s situation continues to be a present and primary issue for the organization and its member states. There are several reasons for this. First, the socio-political crisis that began in April 2018,…

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CDN-Monteverde in the OAS’ upcoming General Assembly in Paraguay

The Nicaraguan Democratic Concertation (CDN-Monteverde) will play a pivotal role at the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), set to occur in Asuncion, Paraguay, from June 26 to 28. Our mission is clear—to bring the plight of Nicaragua to the forefront and to secure recognition for our civic group as a ‘specially…

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Recent efforts in the United States Congress on Nicaragua

The U.S. Congress, through the Upper House of the Senate and the Lower House of Representatives, has shown, through hearings, interviews with leaders, and proposed legislation that puts more pressure on Nicaragua, that it is still interested in helping to resolve the socio-political crisis  the country  has been facing for the past six years. The…

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Good legislation requires effective implementation

On April 16, the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations presented the initiative for the Restoring Sovereignty and Human Rights in Nicaragua Act of 2023 (S.1881), developed jointly by Senators Marco Rubio of the Republican Party and Timothy Kaine of the Democratic Party. Following the outburst of the 2018 Nicaraguan political crisis, the U.S.…

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From a civic idea to a democratic movement

We are a group of citizens who have undertaken the moral and political obligation to end the totalitarian repression that reigns in Nicaragua and build a model of life that allows all Nicaraguans to live in freedom, plurality, and tolerance and that has the support of the international community

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Nicaragua under the Ortega Murillo Regime

The biggest exodus in history: As a result of the political crisis, between 2018 and 2023, some 346,000 Nicaraguans were received in at least three countries as refugees or political asylees. In addition, between 2018 and February 2024, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) detained 423,052 Nicaraguans who illegally crossed the U.S. border. About…

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